Although there are very few true orthodontic emergencies, during the course of treatment you may discover that you have loose or broken brackets or that the orthodontic wires may shift and begin irritating your lips or cheeks.
Patients are encouraged to contact our office during working hours for all emergencies. Emergencies seen during office hours are given the next available appointment.
Below is a list of common problems and how they may be remedied at home. If you have a problem that you cannot resolve on your own, please call our office. Our orthodontic team will be able to give you advice on how to solve the problem yourself or schedule you the appropriate appointment so that the problem can be fixed.
Tooth soreness
Soreness will occur off and on during orthodontic treatment. Tylenol or Ibuprofen will help. Also, try to stick to softer foods during this time.
Traumatic accidents
Use ice immediately to reduce swelling. If the teeth are displaced and don’t fit together properly, arch wires are bent, or soft tissue is stuck in the braces, call our office to schedule an appointment immediately.
Loose teeth
Loosening is common, as teeth must loosen before they can move. They will tighten following appliance removal.
Irritated cheeks, lips, or tongue
Brackets may irritate soft tissues initially until the tissue toughens (as hands callous). Soft wax will ease the discomfort as does a warm salt water rinse.