Summer is here and school is out. Aside from pool parties and vacations, summer brings delectable treats and fun activities. It’s important that you enjoy your summer while still taking care of your braces and teeth.
1. Swimming & Playing Sports
Summer means warmer temperatures which also means you’ll be spending more time outside. Where your mouthguard during most activities and sports, including baseball, frisbee, or volleyball. Things can get rough pretty quickly, even if you’re just goofing off with your siblings in the backyard. A mouthguard can protect your teeth and braces from potential harm and mouth injuries.
2. Eating Summer Foods
The summertime also brings its share of delicious treats. Chances are, you’ll be attending a barbecue or pool party. There’s going to be an array of tempting food such as corn, hard candy, popcorn, and pretzels. People with braces shouldn’t eat these types of food since they can damage the wiring.
But there will be times when you can’t help yourself and want to enjoy an ice cold gelato. Or, maybe you want to indulge in cake, cookies, cupcakes, and other sweet treats. They can get stuck and break one of your brackets, which means an appointment to the dentist. Opt for healthier sweets such as apples, pears, and melons. But cut them up into small pieces before biting into them.
It’s important to stick to your diet and oral hygiene when it comes to the health of your braces. The goal is to avoid cavities that could form and result in an unplanned trip to the dentist. You don’t want to spend most of your summer at the dentist office. So, if you want to indulge in sweet treats, brush and floss your teeth afterward. If you can’t brush and floss, drink plenty of water to keep your braces, gums, and teeth free of food particles.
3. Enjoying the Sun
There’s also a chance that you’ll be laying around in the sun — whether at the beach or at your backyard pool. Always protect your lips and skin from the harmful UV rays. Use a lip balm and sunscreen that’s SPF 15 or higher anytime you’re headed out the door. Don’t forget to reapply every few hours.
Some patients wonder if they can go swimming with their braces. Yes! There are plenty of swimmers who wear braces. Some patients then begin to have concerns about spending most of their time underwater. There’s a misconception that your braces will begin to rust.
But most braces are made from titanium alloy and repel rust. In addition, ceramic braces and invisible braces also can’t trust. No matter if you swim in a fresh lake, a salty ocean, or a chlorinated pool, your braces will be able to handle these conditions.
However, you’ll have to take extra precautions with water sports. It’s ideal to wear a mouthguard during activities such as water polo, water skiing, and surfing. You’re likely to fall on your face and cause damage to your teeth. Sure, it can be corrected, but the money and time spent means that you’ll have to wear your braces for longer than expected.
4. Sticking to Your Routine
Most people get so lazy in the summer that they don’t stick to their normal routine. When it comes to your oral health, it’s important to stick to your routine, including brushing and flossing. You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. This simple habit will keep your teeth healthy and bright throughout the summer.
5. Traveling
Whether you’re packing for summer camp or vacation, you should bring all of your oral hygiene essentials with you. It’s important to stick to your oral hygiene routine while you’re away. Serious problems could happen during your trip, which leads to a trip to the ER. Create an oral care kit that contains the following items:
- One extra plastic aligner tray
- A handheld mirror to observe your mouth if you feel something is wrong
- Floss
- Floss picks or toothpicks
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Travel-size mouthwash
You should already own most of these items, but it’s good to replenish every so often. In the event of an emergency, get the name, number, and address of your orthodontist. If you have an emergency and can’t visit your orthodontist, make an appointment as soon as possible to correct this problem.
6. Maintaining Oral Health
During vacation, it’s hard to keep up with your daily routine. Sometimes you just want to lay around. Other times, you want to have fun and forget about responsibilities. Sticking to your routine means caring for your mouth.
But if you’re going to enjoy salty and sweet snacks, make sure to brush and floss afterward. It can be hard to stick to your oral hygiene routine when you’re staying up late with friends and family. The last thing you want to do is brush and floss before going to bed. Don’t overdo it and stick to a schedule when brushing and flossing.
This is just as important for patients with lingual braces. Even though they’re located in the back of your teeth, you should keep them on your mind and clean them regularly as you would with your teeth and other types of braces.
Summertime brings family and friends together in the great outdoors. Whether you’re going away on summer camp or on an exotic vacation, you want to prepare yourself for the journey. Make your summer fun and rewarding by taking good care of your braces.